
Please note that airline tickets are subject to availability and prices can change at any time without notice. The fare you paid may not be the same as the fare available at the time of purchase or departure. In addition, airlines may impose additional fees for services such as baggage, seat selection, and in-flight meals, which are not included in the ticket price.

We recommend that you carefully review all details of your itinerary, including dates, times, flight numbers, and baggage allowances, before completing your purchase. It is your responsibility to ensure that you arrive at the airport on time and meet all applicable entry requirements for your destination.

Please note that flight cancellations, delays, and other disruptions can occur due to a variety of factors, including but not limited to weather, mechanical issues, and air traffic control. We are not responsible for any losses or expenses incurred due to flight disruptions or changes.

By purchasing an airline ticket through our website or by our travel agents, you acknowledge and accept these risks and limitations. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

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